Hungry Wolf Theatre Group

Hungry Wolf gives young actors the opportunity to work with up-and-coming writers and directors on imaginative, cutting edge theatre, collaborating with a writer to create a unique piece of work. The resulting collaboration is theatre written for young people by young people, empowering them to speak out. The Starr Trust funded the project for 5 young people.

The young people involved said:

"Hungry Wolf was an invaluable opportunity for me to experience being part of a production from start to finish, showing me that acting is so much more than the final performance but the individual steps that brought our scripts to life. Thank you Starr Trust for giving me a chance to participate and learn from this incredible workshop"

"Getting to be a part of Hungry Wolf again was wonderful. Not only did I get to collaborate with some incredible playwrights but also got to have a really fun week working with some of my closest friends before I head off to university, which I am incredibly grateful to have had.
It was so much fun to be able to learn about Greek theatre and adapt one of the most widely known plays, Antigone, to a more modern setting. Greek theatre was always something I was interested in but never really got to study so the experience was invaluable.
I’m very very grateful to the Starr Trust for this incredible opportunity. Thankyou."

"The workshop has been a fantastic opportunity that I wouldn't have been able to do without the help and support of the Starr Trust. I met some wonderful people and have also received incredibly generous support to continue with a term at the theatre workshop with the help from the director and others."

"My experience attending the Hungry Wolf summer school was so much fun and I'm so glad I went. Without the funding it wasn't even a possibility for me to attend"

"Thank you Starr Trust! Your funding made it possible for me to partake in a transformative journey through the world of theatre. Thanks to your support, I was able to learn from professionals in the field, who shared their knowledge and expertise generously with individual acting guidance, writing tips and how to dissect a story. Your contribution has allowed me to continue doing what I love and I am now starting to write my own pieces."

Updates from Hungry Wolf Theatre Group

Updates from Hungry Wolf Theatre Group

January 2024

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