
Coby has Type 1 diabetes, which prevents him from attending mainstream school. We provided the funding for his online tutoring, whcih the family would not be able to afford otherwise.

Updates from Coby

Coby's Mum says:

"Coby struggles with his mental health a great deal. His online tutors take away some of the stress and anxiety and help with his depression. The funding is such an amazing help for us for this next year and has taken away a lot of worry for both of us. Thank you so much Starr Trust"

Updates from Coby

July 2024

We funded Coby to continue with his schooling.

Coby’s mum says: “The Starr Trust came into our lives at the perfect time! We were really struggling with all aspects of life and the help with the financial burden made a huge difference to us as a family. There are no words to describe how we feel really, just we are grateful beyond belief! Thank you so much!

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