November 6, 2023

Winter Extravaganza Clothing Hire

For our Winter Extravaganza this year, we have partnered up with two amazing local businesses that can help if you want that special something and do not want to have to spend a fortune.

For the men

A dinner jacket, trousers and bow tie will cost £59.95 and for every dinner suit hire for the Winter Extravaganza Dickies will donate £5.00 directly back to the charity.

To organise a time to visit contact Adrien on  01273 388628.


For the ladies

Look no further than the amazing Walk In Wardrobe. Kate will style you from head to foot. There is every colour, size and style to suit all. Handbags, jewellery and shoes are also available.

Mention The Starr Trust Winter Extravaganza to get a special rate on hires for the event.