Every Tuesday we highlight one or more of our young Champions with exciting news and updates. This week we are featuring Sophie and Amira.SophieOur young Champion Sophie recently took part in the Springboard Singing Competition in Brighton. She was very nervous but did really well. Her pianist and entry costs were sponsored with a donation from Brighton and Hove Rotary, which was very much appreciated.AmiraAmira is getting ready for her week long leadership course in Guildford starting 1st April, which is being organised by Brighton and Hove Rotary who are also transporting her there and back. She is really looking forward to this opportunity.Our Champions’ ChatsWe have also received feedback from two of our Champions who attended the Audition Chat which they said was really good. Their next trip is to Raystede Animal Sanctuary on April 3rd. 9 Champions plus Claire Clements and her daughter Amy will be coming along to help for the morning and the theme will be Responsibility.