
15 year old Spike from Southwick finds golf a place where he can forget about struggles and focus on his passion. He regularly volunteers in youth coaching clubs at West Hove golf course and has achieved incredibly well in his age category in a short period of time. He has attended the Sussex Squad Development Academy and will be playing at the youth world qualifier event in March 2019 as well as attending a full-time talent golf academy college to allow him to qualify as a coach in the future. His award pays for new golfing equipment which is required at high level events and in his professional learning environment.

Updates from Spike
“I am honoured to have been recognised by the Starr Trust and to be welcomed into the family of Champions. I will work hard to demonstrate the priceless opportunity that this will bring to me to achieve my sporting dreams into my adolescence...
...Words can not express how much the generous donations of so many will always be appreciated, allowing me the freedom to expand into a career and future that gives me so very much freedom. Thank you to everyone and for the legacy that you leave with me.
I don’t wish for my story to be hidden, my voice is about having determination to prove that despite financial restraint it has taken personal dedication and self belief along with great individuals who have donated much professional time to see me succeed, having acknowledged my at times difficult background. I have an active Instagram account displaying all my golfing activity - click here or search for spike_redman_land.”

Updates from Spike

February 2020

Spike had his award sponsored by Ian at IEP who sponsored wet weather golf clothing and equipment.

September 2019

Please come and join in our first Spike Redman-Land Halloween Hunt on Sunday 27th October at 12.00pm. It is open to all so please invite your families along to join in the fun and games. It is a 9 hole fun Texas scramble. No handicap needed as it has been designed to encourage more juniors into golf. Goody bags for all juniors who enter and prizes for the best fancy dress. Food is also included and there will be a prize presentation. (please note no golf shoes are allowed in the main function room) Click here to download your entry form. Look forward to seeing you all there!

July 2019

Spike is teaming up with West Hove Golf Club to put on a Junior Golf Championship this August. This idea came Spike, who felt that an extra competition for young people would be good, so he set about making it happen. The event which is being sponsored by Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary Club and West Hove Golf Club will take place on the 27th August at 12 noon, and will be in the style of a Texas Scramble, where players aged from 5-17, from beginners to regular golfers can compete in teams of four to win a prize trophy. The entry fee of £5 will also include a hot meal at the presentation after the game. West Hove Junior Members are encouraged to bring a friend along, to inspire them to find out more about the sport. Earlier this year, we gave Spike an Edward Starr Award which paid for a brand new set of golf clubs, thanks to money donated by Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary Club. Spike, whose passion for golf comes from his grandfather, told us: “I found golf at a time when things were emotionally really bad for me. Golf was a place where I could go and fall into my own world, where I could forget about my struggles and focus on my passion. I felt part of a family, surrounded by people who I could look up to as role models and as an inspiration. I want to give back to young people like me by being a youth coach professional in the future. I regularly volunteer my time in youth coaching clubs at West Hove golf course and give as much of my personal time as I can to those who have given relentlessly to me.” Mel Stoner, our Outreach Manager, said: “We were inspired and moved by Spike’s desire to give something back to his community, and the drive to set up a golfing trophy for Juniors. We fully support Spike and are very proud of him. We hope that this will become an annual event and will inspire young people to try the sport at a fraction of the cost it would normally cost thanks to Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary Club’s sponsorship”. Anyone interested in taking part should contact: Spike Redman-Land Email: spikeredman@icloud.com Tel: 07923 355088 Or you can find him on Instagram: @spike_redman_land

May 2019

The Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary Club would like to fund all the money for the clubs that Spike was awarded in January. They gave an unusually high donation to us in recognition of the support that we and our Champions’ families have given to their events.

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