Daisy studied at Bird Studios and loves musical theatre. She has suffered serious health problems and her regular classes give her a release from every day life. Her mother is limited with working hours as Daisy’s younger brother suffers from anxiety making it very difficult to keep up payments for the classes. We were able to award Daisy with £750 which will cover a year of classes. Daisy is featured in the #IAMWHOLE campaign which launched in October 2016. She’s featured in the campaign video, the accompanying music video and her story is on the website.
Daisy’s theatre arts training at Bird gives her an incentive to keep moving forward through her recovery process. The award means that she can continue to progress. It will make a huge difference to her life.
Daisy is currently working as a vocal coach, both one-to-one and with JAM, as well as continuing to teach performing arts at Big Voices Brighton.
She has also been working with film students at University of Brighton for their screen directing module and recently performed a series of seven monologues, some of which will be screened at the Komedia in the near future. She has also been cast as the lead in a short film 'Heat' which will commence in late February.
Daisy recently received a diagnosis that left her unable to continue pursuing musical theatre. Her degree included writing, directing and acting for screen, but now that she's left university she no longer has access to the equipment she needs. We gave Daisy the funds to buy camera equipment to create her own short films.
Daisy says: "Receiving my award from the Starr Trust means so much to me. With the sudden decline in my physical health, I was feeling quite hopeless and lost with how to move forward. The Starr Trust’s support will allow me to pursue so many opportunities that I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. I will be able to be self sufficient, and take things at my own pace, which will be life changing for the progression of my career. Thank you, I am so grateful."
Following surgery for an ingrowing toenail, Daisy was left with nerve damage. The Starr Trust funded rehabilitative and strengthening dance training with a specialist teacher to help her overcome this obstacle.
Daisy says "I am so thankful for receiving my award from the Starr Trust. Their ongoing support over the years has allowed me to improve my skills in my chosen field, and will undoubtedly make a difference to the opportunities I am able pursue, both now and in the future."
Daisy won a further award for singing lessons. She says: “Receiving this award will enable me to continue with my lessons and to carry on building my self-confidence and self-esteem. Without the Starr Trust, I wouldn’t have been able to pursue my dream to be a performer.”
Thank you to our amazing Champion Daisy who sang at the Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary Club dinner on Friday evening at the Malmaison hotel in Brighton. What a treat! Thank you to Ann Dieckmann for inviting Daisy to perform.
Daisy will be singing at the drinks reception for Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary’s Presidential Handover on June 28th at Brighton Marina’s Malmaison Hotel. Daisy, who has been a Champion since she was 15, and is currently studying musical theatre at BRICTT will be entertaining guests with her beautiful voice. Our Champions’ Outreach Manager Mel said: “Daisy has impressed us with her voice and we are thrilled that she will be representing us at this event. Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary have been very generous in their donations to us, and it is great to be able to have one of our Champions support them back”. Daisy played the part of Rosie in ‘Sweet Charity’ at BRICTT in their end of term production. Mel said “Daisy was fantastic in the production, which involved a lot of choreography and Daisy was on stage a lot. Her voice sounded beautiful and strong, and her acting came across strongly. She is clearly enjoying herself on stage. Nice work Daisy!”
Daisy will be singing at the drinks reception for Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary’s Presidential Handover on June 28th at Brighton Marina’s Malmaison Hotel. Daisy, who has been a Champion since she was 15, and is currently studying musical theatre at BRICTT will be entertaining guests with her beautiful voice. Starr Trust’s Mel Stoner said: “Daisy has impressed us with her voice and we are thrilled that she will be representing us at this event. Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary have been very generous in their donations to us, and it is great to be able to have one of our Champions support them back.”
Good Friday saw our Ambassador Claire, mum Tracy, and her two Champions Max and Daisy, lend a hand at the Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Hangleton Manor. This popular fundraising event, set up by the Rotary Club of Brighton and Hove, raised over £2600 which will support other Rotary charities and ourselves. Ann from the Rotary said “it was a lot of organisation but it’s such a great event! Not only does it raise money but it brings together lots of communities – the Rotary Scholars, The Starr Trust, prospective members, Friends of Rotary, companies who provide gifts, Move things Around who provide tables, Hangleton Manor, who donated £500 proceeds from the BBQ, local families, teenage helpers and of course, the Mayor herself!” We would like to say a huge thank you to Claire, Tracy, Max and Daisy for giving up their time to volunteer and of course our thanks go out to Ann and the Rotary Club of Brighton and Hove who have kindly continued to support us.
We have funded Daisy to help pay for further singing tuition. Daisy says “I have been able to pursue my dream of working professionally in musical theatre thanks to the funding that I have received from the Starr Trust. Without it I would have been unable to continue. I am always proud to tell people that I am supported by the Starr Trust”
Daisy has started her musical theatre training at BRICTT this September, and is also receiving extra singing lessons from BADA Studios.
We are delighted to share that Daisy, along with Champions Jasmine and Jessie-Jae, will be performing at Brighton and Hove Rotary’s Creative Exposed event this Saturday at 10.25AM. Please do come along and support them.
We have paid for a further year of classes at Bird Studios for Daisy.
Daisy played Eponine from Les Miserables in the recent production by Bird Studios at the Old Market in Brighton.
After playing the role of Gertrude McFuzz in Seussical the Musical at the end of last term at Bird, Daisy was selected for Nathan Potter’s troupe of twelve young ladies who are planning performances in and around Brighton. Her school musical this year is ‘Footloose’ and she will be playing Ethel McCormack. She also continues to play clarinet in the school big band. Daisy’s mum Tracy says; “Being a Starr Trust Champion has enabled her to keep up her training. Performing is her life so thank you and your colleagues for the opportunity.”
Daisy has landed the leading role of Gertrude in the forthcoming Bird production of Seussical the Musical on 11th December 2016. Mother Tracy says “I think it will be a great opportunity for her and an ideal time to chronicle everything that goes in and send it to you, hoping to get a video diary of rehearsals”
To Support a Starr, fill in the form below to sign up. To find out more please email rosie@starrtrust.com or tracey@starrtrust.com.